About Me ツ im vEnNy a.k.a LeE yEn` x) Turnin 18 end of tix oCt` a SimpLe GurL tat loves ChattiN, CamwHoRin, OuTin, FaShioN, sHopPin` xD hahaks. ow yEa~ cHoC n iCeee-CreaM tat 'll alwix mk mie says "BuHByE 2 eMo-nesS" <333 ★FrienDs★ AaRoN AiRiN aMeLia aNn nEe CeLinE CharLyn HaRrY HaU yEe JaCQueLinE JefFrEy JenNy JesSiCa Jia sHiN JuLiuS KauThEmY KidO MaX PeY YiE PoH yEe QinGy sHei PenG Shi MaN StePhaNiE EliSe Yi zHonG YonG sHenG Tagboard Music! Site Stats Your hit counter here!
Monday, August 10, 2009 @ 3:16 AM
`h o w t o s m i le :'( *RaiNy DaY* it represent wat i feeL in mie HeaRts. TeaRs... :'[ i juz feeL sO DwN.. CuP of BubBLe MiLk TeA-mie DinNeR. =C HaD mie FiNaLs 2day..aCt imma nO MooD 2 StuDy le. =(( really wanna thxieEe 2 JenNy LiM TieN ChiN.. early in da mownink, went 2 her hSe 2 gt heLp frm her cax.. i nOe.. by tix timE. tix typE of MooD.. i cant concentratE on mie StuDy. :'( SoBs sO i can juz AiM 4 PasS? cax i nOe.. i din put muchie eFfoRt on mie StuDy. :'( i dunO y.. tix fEw DaYs i eat damn litt nie..? i gt nO MooD 2 eat? :'( evithingy is TastELesS 2 mie..? =(( i dunO i dunO. HoW? =(( i cant aite tix. =(( Bt imma realLy MooDy. :'(... i.cant.control.my.feelings.for.you. missing.you.for.now.and.always. doing.my.very.best.to.control.my.tears. :'( |